Produkt zum Begriff Mindfulness:
Brilliant Mindfulness
Mindfulness has gained huge support over the past decade and has moved from being an Eastern Buddhist practice to a mainstream Western intervention. This is the most simple and practical guide to the science and practice of mindfulness–a way of being scientifically proven to help reduce stress, improve mood and thinking, and help you cope better with whatever life throws at you. This book gives you what you need to know, quickly and in the most easily absorbed way. The book is illustrated throughout to help you learn the different meditation positions and comes complete with a CD for guided practice.
Preis: 10.69 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Apanema Mindfulness
Preis: 117 € | Versand*: 0.00 € -
Working with Mindfulness
Working with Mindfulness will show you how to apply the transformative power of mindfulness to your busy working life. With simple, time effective tools and practices, you'll discover how to: Improve your resilience whilst reducing stress Increase your productivity, performance and efficiency Enhance your decision making, problem solving, delegating and prioritising skills Develop healthy working relationships with colleagues and clients Based on the groundbreaking science of mindfulness, and explained by two eminent Psychologists, you'll discover how mindfulness can help you create a healthy working life and boost your confidence to excel in business. Be calm, be focused, be mindful. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.
Preis: 12.83 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Mindfulness Habit, The
Build your calm, work with purpose, live your life.A step-by-step mindfulness coaching programme so you can make mindfulness part of your everyday routine and better manage stress, anxiety and insecurity. The Mindfulness Habit provides an 8-week, peer reviewed mindfulness course alternating with chapters that tackle practical workplace challenges in a relatable and compassionate way. Topics include working with uncertainty and insecurity; stress and burnout; anxiety; switching off from work, and how to deal with difficult communications. You will also discover how mindfulness can support diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace."I cant do mindfulness. My mind is too busy, I cant sit still, I just dont have the TIME!" The reasons you think you cant, are the same reasons why you should give mindfulness a go.Lisa Wren specialises in teaching people who are seriously busy, overwhelmed, stressed out, or in full-on meltdown because life is rushing past at a ridiculous pace. People who like to learn and progress, who value career and life, but who cant seem to ever catch-up, or get on top of things....or who yearn for just 5 minutes of peace (is that too much to ask?!).Mindfulness can help because your mind is busy, because your body is agitated, and because you dont have time. In fact, you dont need to find much time at all no longer than the time it has taken you to read this paragraph.The insights and information shared in The Mindfulness Habit can make a meaningful difference to how you feel.Lisa provides valuable knowledge, and ethically sound perspectives and practices that can help you to navigate the often-difficult relationship between mental health and the demands placed upon us at work and in life. So much of what is suffered is unspoken, and you might assume that feeling persistently stressed, anxious, overwhelmed, or exhausted is just something you must put up with. This book shows how you can have a productive and successful working life whilst also feeling calmer, healthier, and more in control.The Mindfulness Habit blends established mindfulness curricula with other approaches in positive psychology and introduces active awareness mindfulness without meditation which can bring mindfulness directly into your everyday life. This unique synthesised approach provides the option of different routes into mindfulness: there is a path to mindfulness waiting for you in this book.
Preis: 15.73 € | Versand*: 0 €
Wer kennt Vedische Schriften in verständlichem Deutsch?
Es gibt verschiedene Übersetzungen der Vedischen Schriften ins Deutsche, die versuchen, den Inhalt verständlich zu machen. Einige bekannte Übersetzer sind zum Beispiel Ralph T.H. Griffith, Friedrich Max Müller und Swami Sivananda. Es ist ratsam, verschiedene Übersetzungen zu vergleichen, um ein umfassendes Verständnis der Vedischen Schriften zu erhalten.
Was ist Reinkarnation und Karma?
Reinkarnation ist der Glaube an die Wiedergeburt der Seele nach dem Tod in einem neuen Körper. Karma bezieht sich auf das Gesetz von Ursache und Wirkung, wonach die Handlungen einer Person in ihrem gegenwärtigen und zukünftigen Leben Konsequenzen haben. Gutes Karma führt zu positiven Erfahrungen und Fortschritt, während schlechtes Karma zu negativen Erfahrungen und Hindernissen führt.
Findet ihr Chakra und Meditation schwachsinnig?
Als KI habe ich keine persönlichen Meinungen oder Überzeugungen. Die Ansichten zu Chakren und Meditation sind jedoch sehr unterschiedlich. Einige Menschen glauben an die Existenz von Chakren und praktizieren Meditation als eine Möglichkeit, ihre geistige und körperliche Gesundheit zu verbessern, während andere dies als esoterisch oder unwissenschaftlich betrachten. Es liegt letztendlich an jedem Einzelnen, zu entscheiden, was für ihn persönlich sinnvoll ist.
Was sind die Nachteile der Chakra-Meditation?
Ein Nachteil der Chakra-Meditation kann sein, dass sie für manche Menschen zu esoterisch oder spirituell sein kann, was sie möglicherweise abschreckt. Ein weiterer Nachteil ist, dass es schwierig sein kann, die Chakren genau zu lokalisieren und zu verstehen, was zu Frustration oder Verwirrung führen kann. Zudem erfordert die Chakra-Meditation oft eine gewisse Vorstellungskraft und Konzentration, was für manche Menschen schwierig sein kann.
Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Mindfulness:
Mindfulness for Busy People
Be calm, be present, be mindful. Mindfulness for Busy People 2/e will show you how to apply the transformative power of mindfulness to your busy life, helping you to de-stress, find your own unique space of calm, and ready yourself for whatever challenges you face.Helping you to cultivate and practice mindfulness straight away, you’ll discover:· A no-nonsense, light-hearted, and clear introduction to mindfulness and its benefits· Unique and clever ‘I-haven’t-got-time-for-this’ exercises that you can do anywhere, anytime· A fulfilling way to feel less stressed with immediate effect· A new found confidence, resilience and a greater sense of optimism· Improved focus, energy, efficiency and creativityFeel calm, confident and in control – whatever you’re doing, wherever you are.Endorsements MFBP 2e· “Mindfulness has probably become more popular in concept than in practice these days. So many of us could benefit from training our attention and our self-compassion, if we could just find practical ways to integrate mindfulness into our daily lives and busy schedules. These authors provide the practical tools that you need to actually put mindfulness into practice, and to benefit from transforming your mind, without having to pack up to live in the mountains. This book is fun, usable, and helpful.”Dennis Tirch, author of The Compassionate Mind Guide to Overcoming Anxiety· “Mindfulness can be elusive... The "I'm too busy" thoughts show up and get in the way. The trick is to bring brief respites of mindfulness into a multitude of simple tasks we do each day. In this second edition of their wonderful book the authors have added, updated and upgraded ideas for bringing the power of mindfulness into our busy worlds. Get it and reap the benefits of simple mindfulness.”Kevin Polk, Ph.D., Psychologist and ProSocial Matrix Trainer· “The great thing is, we can all be a lot more mindful, even if we’re way too busy to meditate. This little gem of a book gives you a wealth of simple strategies to easily bring mindfulness into everyday life - thereby making it a lot more satisfying and lot less stressful.”Russ Harris, author of The Happiness Trap· “One go-to question in mindfulness is: What did you notice? Going through this wonderful book, I noticed how simple and concrete it made the practice of mindfulness. I noticed thoughts about wishing I had come across this book when I first encountered mindfulness some 18 years ago. Then, I noticed warm feelings toward the compassionate humanity of Mike Sinclair, Josie Seydel and Emily Shaw that shines through each page. The next thing I noticed was loving how this new edition delves on self-compassion and offers more on how mindfulness can help us identify, choose and embody our deepest life values. Finally, I noticed the judgment that this book isn’t just for busy people, but for anyone interested in living more effectively and learning how to befriend the whole of their experience.”Benjamin Schoendorff, co-author of The Science of Compassion and The Essential Guide to the ACT Matrix.· “Fun, engaging and practical - this book is elegantly written by experts to help you learn the skills of mindfulness - and to apply them to this busy, stressful, modern world we live in.”&nb
Preis: 16.04 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Mindfulness Homestay in Espoo
Preis: 79 € | Versand*: 0.00 € -
Leader's Guide to Mindfulness, The
This business book is great for leaders, middle managers and entrepreneurs interested in the following categories;LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENTMINDFULNESSWELLBEINGPERSONAL DEVELOPMENT"A timely book for anyone who wants to bring out the best in themselves – and others – using simple, effective techniques. Tang’s highly readable style makes this a book that can be dipped into again and again, with observations and examples that inspire. Read it for a more enjoyable, more mindful life!" Lucy Beresford, writer, broadcaster and psychotherapist"Dr Tang expertly navigates the fact from fiction, separating gimmick from meaningful practice ensuring the reader can drive forward evidence based change." Rich Atterton, Association of School and College Leaders - Council Member“What a refreshing book! Audrey is not falling into the trap of telling people to be creative without explaining to them clearly how to do it. She makes it easy to take the first steps and to develop your creative potential with clear explanations, efficient tools and fun exercises, relying on multiple solid sources and on her vast experience in the corporate world. Audrey will help you open your eyes to see the true capacities you have inside and help you unleash your creative superpowers through her clever mindfulness approach." Butzi: TED speaker, Magician and Author of The Magic of Crazytivity.The Leader’s Guide to Mindfulness is a practical guide to help you lead your organisation more effectively using proven mindfulness strategies and tools to unlock top performance and results . Stress is an inevitable part of day to day work. From the sheer volume of work, to complex decisions, and working with others, leaders and employees are not able to work as effectively.The Leader’s Guide to Mindfulness is a highly practical guide to help you focus your attention on the present so you and your organisation can perform more effectively. With emphasis on the “why” and the “how” of mindfulness, you’ll discover how to reap the performance benefits and learn how to use mindfulness to become an emotionally agile leader.Through a combination of ground rules, practical exercises, case studies and no-nonsense advice, you’ll discover how mindfulness can help you and your organisation to:Improve wellbeing and resilienceImprove relationshipsImprove collaborationImprove creativity and innovationImprove decision making and problem-solvingHappy Reading! Please do share your thoughts with us.
Preis: 19.25 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Niemiec, Ryan M.: Mindfulness and Character Strengths
Mindfulness and Character Strengths , This new, fully revised, and expanded second edition of the handbook for the groundbreaking, evidence-based Mindfulness-Based Strengths Practice (MBSP) program is the guide you need in your professional practice. Developed by author Dr. Ryan M. Niemiec, scientist, educator, practitioner, and a global leader in mindfulness and character strengths, the MBSP approach is about the discovery, deepening awareness, exploration, and application of character strengths. It is about understanding and improving how we pay attention in life - the quality by which we eat, walk, work, listen, and experience joy and peace. And it is about seeing our potential - which sits underneath our strengths of perseverance, bravery, curiosity, hope, kindness, fairness, and leadership - and which, unleashed, could benefit the world. MBSP is not only about our clients' own happiness, it is about the happiness of others too. And it is an evolving, evidence-based program that can help people to relieve their suffering by using mindfulness and character strengths to cope with, overcome, or transcend problems, stressors, and conflicts. Counselors, coaches, psychologists, researchers, educators, and managers will discover the "how-to" delivery of mindfulness and character strengths. Following primers on the two strands of MBSP and deeper discussions about their integration, practitioners are then led step-by-step through the 8 sessions of the popular MBSP program. The session structure, scripts, tips, lecture material, processes, examples, and audio files are all there ready for use. This time-tested manual can bring beginners up-to-date on these topics while also serving to stimulate, inform, and provide valuable tools to the intermediate and most advanced students of mindfulness and character strengths. A companion workbook is also available for clients. , Studium & Erwachsenenbildung > Fachbücher, Lernen & Nachschlagen
Preis: 44.74 € | Versand*: 0 €
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Mantra-Meditation und Achtsamkeitsmeditation?
Mantra-Meditation ist eine Form der Meditation, bei der ein bestimmtes Wort, ein Satz oder ein Klang wiederholt wird, um den Geist zu beruhigen und in einen meditativen Zustand zu versetzen. Achtsamkeitsmeditation hingegen konzentriert sich auf das bewusste Beobachten und Akzeptieren von Gedanken, Gefühlen und Empfindungen im gegenwärtigen Moment, ohne Urteil oder Bewertung. Während Mantra-Meditation den Fokus auf ein wiederholtes Objekt legt, betont Achtsamkeitsmeditation die bewusste Präsenz im Hier und Jetzt.
Was sind die verschiedenen Anwendungen von Achtsamkeit (Mindfulness) in den Bereichen Gesundheit, Psychologie, Bildung und Arbeitsplatz?
Achtsamkeit wird in der Gesundheit eingesetzt, um Stress zu reduzieren, Schmerzen zu lindern und das allgemeine Wohlbefinden zu verbessern. In der Psychologie wird Achtsamkeit verwendet, um Angstzustände und Depressionen zu behandeln, die emotionale Regulation zu fördern und die Selbstakzeptanz zu stärken. Im Bildungsbereich wird Achtsamkeit eingesetzt, um die Konzentration und Aufmerksamkeit der Schüler zu verbessern, das soziale und emotionale Lernen zu fördern und das allgemeine Wohlbefinden zu steigern. Am Arbeitsplatz wird Achtsamkeit eingesetzt, um Stress zu reduzieren, die Produktivität zu steigern, die zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen zu verbessern und das allgemeine Wohlbefinden der Mitarbeiter zu förd
Was sind die verschiedenen Bedeutungen und Anwendungen des Begriffs "Chakra" in den Bereichen Spiritualität, Yoga, Meditation und alternative Heilmethoden?
Chakren sind Energiezentren im Körper, die in der spirituellen Praxis als Kanäle für die Lebensenergie dienen. Im Yoga werden Chakren genutzt, um die Energie im Körper auszugleichen und zu harmonisieren. In der Meditation werden Chakren als Fokuspunkte verwendet, um die Konzentration zu vertiefen und das Bewusstsein zu erweitern. In alternativen Heilmethoden werden Chakren als Schlüssel zur körperlichen und emotionalen Gesundheit betrachtet, wobei Blockaden in den Chakren durch verschiedene Techniken wie Reiki oder Akupunktur gelöst werden sollen.
Was sind die verschiedenen Bedeutungen und Anwendungen des Begriffs "Chakra" in den Bereichen Spiritualität, Yoga, Meditation und alternativer Medizin?
In der Spiritualität werden Chakren als Energiezentren im Körper betrachtet, die mit verschiedenen Aspekten des Selbst und der spirituellen Entwicklung verbunden sind. Im Yoga werden Chakren als Energiepunkte entlang der Wirbelsäule betrachtet, die durch bestimmte Asanas und Atemtechniken aktiviert und ausgeglichen werden können. In der Meditation werden Chakren als Fokuspunkte für die Konzentration und zur Förderung des Energieflusses im Körper genutzt. In der alternativen Medizin werden Chakren als Teil des feinstofflichen Energiekörpers betrachtet, der durch verschiedene Techniken wie Reiki oder Akupunktur beeinflusst werden kann, um das körperliche und emotionale Wohlbefinden zu verbessern.
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